Other watch brands fall in love with their product, brand etc. our view was something different. Yes of course we love our watches and our brand, but we fell in love with something else. That is what makes us different than the other watch brands. So what exactly did we fall in love with you may ask?
We will tell it to you straight and how it is. We fell in love with the market. Let that sink in for a second...Yes we love to satisfy the people of the market. We love to make you in particularly happy. That is the Alcon way and that is Why Alcon is the brand to go with. Building an empire is in our vision, but it can't be done without you. Having your support means everything to us, and your support is gained by making you happy.
The first three brands of Alcon are the: Timeless, Daytona, and Vintage collection. All created to for our clients.
The endless effort of Alcon bringing amazing designs to the market like the Primo is what gets us going. Being able to bring a smile to your face every time you wear an Alcon is what we strive for.
This collection was inspired for his love of sports and cars. The collection was named after the orange Daytona Charger with racing stripes he would see so very often as a kid. His gamelan of the company was to have a little bit of everything. This collection was for the big face sporty watch lovers.
Incredible watch. I love it. Completely worth buying all the watches and in my opinion UNDERPRICED!
The testimonial from above was from a client that purchased both watches from the Timeless Collection. Underpriced watch is the reputation we were looking for.